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Updated: 2024-07-15

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, January 27, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023 - Friday, January 27, 2023

Drinking coffee.

Drinking coffee.

Having breakfast.

Having breakfast.

Along the boulevard.

Along the boulevard.

Along the boulevard.

Along the boulevard.

Young kittens.

Young kittens.

We slept reasonably well in the Krabi La Playa Resort in Ao Nang, better than we expected, and we wake up around 7 am.
Tom takes a shower right away and then we drink coffee on the balcony of our hotel. The view is nice and it is still nice and fresh outside.
We have breakfast in the hotel, in the garden, at one of the two swimming pools. The breakfast is okay, but very western oriented, there are a few Thai dishes but they are mainly salty. But there is good coffee!

After breakfast, Pia talks to a lady who sells day trips in the lobby of the hotel. There are some nice things, but we haven't booked anything yet.

In any case, today we want to get the app of the Kasikorn Bank, which is no longer usable since Pia got a new phone, working again.
We ask in the hotel where a branch of the Kasikorn Bank is, and we think we can find it.
We walk towards the coast and then over the boulevard in the direction of Krabi Town. There are many boats on the beach that are used by holidaymakers for trips to another beach.
On the way we meet someone with a very young kitten. It is a Dutch woman who says that she found this animal in a plastic bag in a garbage can, two more people arrive, each with a kitten. We tell them to bring those animals to a temple because animals are usually well cared for there.
We continue to the Kasikorn Bank. There we are helped by a friendly security officer, it is not all that easy, but after an hour or so the app works again.

When we walk back, after a few minutes we see a songtaew that goes to Krabi Town but also to a shell bank that is millions of years old, and we get in.
The songtaew goes to Krabi town, the end point, and to get to those shells we have to go back to Ao Nang.
We first walk through Krabi Town, and that is not very exciting, we do buy some clothes.
Then back to the stop of the songtaew that takes us to the shell bank via Ao Nang, we agree with the driver that he will pick us up again in 1.5 hours. It's high tide, so there's not much to see, too bad, we're just going to eat something.

The driver arrives on time and back in Ao Nang we get off where we got on first, because Pia wants to buy another bathing suit, but she can't find anything. It looks like it's going to rain, and after a while it does.
We walk into the night market near the hotel and have a drink at one of the bars. Pia starts talking to the owner and he tells us that stray animals were picked up in Ao Nang today, and that they were released somewhere near our hotel. Could that have anything to do with the kittens in a garbage can?
We see that squid is being grilled at one of the restaurants. It looks good, we order it too, and it tastes very good.

Written on: 2023-01-28


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.